Performance Measures and what they mean

Performance Measures and what they mean

Establishing the relationship between physiological attributes and athletic performance helps identifying the factors most closely related to success, and indeed, the percentage variance in performance explained by each attribute

Consider the following example of two athletes; the white box indicates their VO2max. In effect, this sets the limit for their capability. The colored boxes indicate the percentage of their VO2max they can sustain for an hour. In this example, despite having a far greater VO2max Athlete A, will probably lose to athlete B, as Athlete B can maintain a faster pace and a higher percentage of their VO2max. However, with appropriate training Athlete A, is likely to be able to increase the fractional utilization of their VO2max and has the potential to become a better athlete than B in the long term.

This phenomenon can often be seen in age group clubs, where a well-trained experienced athlete (athlete B) can beat a younger athlete (A) newer to the sport, despite them having a good background in other sports (especially those not requiring the same endurance and oxidative capacity). However, very quickly, athlete A develops this capacity due to appropriate training and often leaves Athlete B trailing behind.

Need help with building a bigger vo2 capacity or functioning at a higher percentage of your vo2 max for longer? Email us! We’d be happy to be part of your journey.

Article written by the Breakaway coaching team. @shuwiechang

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