Month: June 2020

Swim, Bike, Run, Prehab, Testing, Analysis.

Swimming on land!

We get that some of you might have increasing concerns about swimming, or rather, the lack thereof during this period. Whilst we can’t do anything about the current pool situation, there are other ways to help you along till pool time resumes. Here are some ideas. Usage of resistance bands or stretch cords to work…
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Flexibility or Mobility?

Flexibility vs Mobility. What is it, and what it isn’t. Here’s a recall: This topic came up because one of our athlete, ShaoQi had mentioned his teacher and peers commented that he is really tight and ‘not flexible’, but yet when he does mobility sessions with us, he was able to hold hip flexion >120degree……
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Press Release: COVID Phase 2

Apart from the fun and laughter going all around the Breakaway, we have always prided ourselves in terms of safe and professional training protocols for our members. Over the past few weeks, we have been working hard to prepare ourselves for reopening. Now that we have been given the go-ahead in Phase 2 to re-open…
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